HORIZONS - Maritime Services: Turning expertise into success! Yes, we can do.
35 Years experience in the maritime industry, working at sea and ashore. 21 Years operating experience in the cruise industry.
7 years specialized work in the field of maritime simulator based training, navigation / nautical proficiency assessments and risk studies. All this expertise focuses on one goal: Safe sailing at all times! more >
"You must make the choice, to take the chance, to make a change in your life!" Unknown
- Maritime Professional dedicated to serve and support maritime professionals.
- Constantly strive to enhancce safety of ships at sea.
- Passioned to work with people and to help others to find the right balance between
leadership and teamwork.
Capt. Burkhard Mueller
Hermannstrasse 15 | D-18055 Rostock | phone: +49 171 9600806 | b.mueller@explore-horizons.de